Net Zero Energy Home with ICF Basement

Harmony House is the winning entry in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CHMC) EQuilibrium™ Sustainable Housing Demonstration Initiative. This project is designed to be built to the next generation green building standard and will ultimately be a Net Zero Energy home.

Harmony House will include features such as:

  • Quad-Lock Super-Insulated ICF Basement Walls.
  • High levels of energy efficiency
  • A healthy indoor environment
  • An extremely comfortable, safe and quiet structure
  • Significantly reduced water use
  • On-site renewable energy systems
  • Lower total cost of ownership

The basement has been poured using Quad-Lock R-45 Insulated Concrete Forms. Quad-Lock is proud to be part of this ground breaking, Net Zero Energy project, one of the first in the Vancouver area.

See Also:

CMHC Harmony House Project Overview